The key fob has a number of duties with your Tesla Model S vehicle. Locking Tesla Model S With Key Fob is a very popular method. People use this method to lock their Tesla Model S. In this article, we will know about the step-by–step process of How to Lock the Tesla Model S With a Key Fob?
As Tesla is a user-friendly smart vehicle, all the options of this vehicle are very easy to do. You will not have to go through a complex set of tasks to lock and unlock Tesla Model S with the key fob. So, let’s see how to lock Tesla Model S with the key fob.
Can You Lock Tesla Model S With Key Fob?
The answer of this question is very much easy and simple. Yes, you can lock and unlock the door of the Tesla Model S with your key forb if it works well. You just have to follow the proper process to complete the task.
While you are thinking of locking and unlocking your Tesla Model S with a key fob, you have to follow the recommended process of Tesla itself. In this article, we will show you the recommended process of locking and unlocking the Tesla Model S. So, let’s see.
How to Lock Tesla Model S With Key Fob?
You have to complete three steps to lock the Tesla Model S with a key fob. But you need keep in mind that the key fob is working. If the key fob is not working then you will not be able to lock the Tesla Model S.
Step 1: Target the Key Fob Towards Vehicle
This is the first thing that you have to do here. If the key fob is not vehicle faced then the result will be zero. You will not be able to lock the car. So, you have to do that at the beginning.
Step 2: Press Top Once
Then you have to press the button of the key fob for once. The key fob is like the car itself. That means the fob is like a tine Tesla. And on the top of the fob, you will get a button. That is the main button of the fob. You have to press the button only once not more than that.
Step 3: Check By Hands
When you press on the top of the fob, the vehicle will be locked. You have to do nothing more because Tesla makes everything very easy and simple. But to be sure that the key fob works correctly, you have to use your hands to check the door is locked or not.
How to Unlock Tesla Model S With Key Fob?
After completing the locking process of the Tesla Model S, we will move to unlock process of the Tesla Model S with the key fob. So, let’s see how to unlock Tesla Model S with the key fob.
Step 1: Face the Key Fob Towards Vehicle
Like the locking process, you have to target the vehicle toward the car. You have to keep the front side of the key fob towards the car. If you fail to recognize the front side then keep the lower part of the Tesla logo “T” of the key fob towards the car. You may look at the image below.
Step 2: Press too Twice
Now you have to press the top twice. While we try to lock the vehicle, we pressed the top once. But while trying to unlock, we have to press the top two times. The gap between every press should be as low as possible. But it will be best if you can press twice that within 1 second.
Step 3: Pull the Door Handle
After doing these things, you will have to pull the door handle of the Tesla Model S. You will be sure about the unlock of your vehicle seeing the door handle is holdable by hands. It will come out of the body.
What are the Things you Need to keep in mind?
This is the process of locking and unlocking the Tesla Model S with the key fob. Before you do any sensitive task with the fob, you have to recheck that for security purposes. This is a best practice. I also do that every time. If you face any problem regarding locking and unlocking the vehicle with the key fob then you have to watch the following video.
This is the end of today’s discussion. I hope now you know how to lock Tesla Model S with key fob and also how to unlock Tesla Model S with key fob. I hope you enjoy reading us and get the solution that you were expecting. Read more from us about cars and their problem. Bye for today.